Triplets on Secret Mission

Triplets on Secret Mission by Lamour Toujours follows Molly May, who mysteriously became pregnant and was shunned by her family. Six years later, she returns with her triplets, who uncover Sean Anderson as their father. Instead of acceptance, they face Sean’s denial and skepticism. As secrets unravel, the triplets devise a daring plan to reunite their parents. Read the blurb below.

Triplets on Secret Mission Blurb

In Triplets on Secret Mission by Lamour Toujours, Molly May finds herself unexpectedly pregnant six years ago, despite being single and without any knowledge of how it happened. This mysterious pregnancy leads to her falling out of favor with her family, leaving her abandoned and disgraced. Fast forward six years, Molly returns with her triplets—Alex, Ben, and Claudia—three brilliant children who have pieced together that Sean Anderson is their biological father. Determined to meet him, they secretly seek him out, only to face his staunch denial. “I have lived chastely and never had physical contact with a woman,” Sean insists, but the children counter with undeniable DNA evidence.

The triplets, each with their own unique personality, confront Sean with sharp wit and undeniable facts. Alex, the eldest, states, “DNA doesn’t lie, and that’s a fact.” Ben, the middle child, chimes in, “People say men will forget what they’ve done after pulling on pants. It seems to be true.” And Claudia, the youngest, adds, “You should be happy and grateful to have three adorable kids and a beautiful wife.” Despite Sean’s initial reluctance, he slowly begins to bond with his newfound children, playing the role of a father and growing closer to them by the day. However, his relationship with Molly remains strained, a gulf formed by misunderstanding and past grievances.

As Sean’s connection with the triplets deepens, the children decide to help bridge the gap between their parents. They teach Sean various ways to woo Molly, from making bold moves to stealing kisses and even proposing. Yet, Molly is unimpressed and sees his attempts as insincere, remarking, “Such flirting skills befit an experienced male escort.” When Sean’s true identity is finally revealed, a heated exchange ensues, culminating in Sean’s fiery retort, “You are the ‘escort.’ Your entire family are ‘escorts!’” Amidst the chaos, the triplets’ mission to reunite their parents continues, promising an emotional journey filled with humor, heartbreak, and the quest for a happy ending.

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Triplets on Secret Mission
Triplets on Secret Mission

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