Kitten and the Big Bad Wolf by Robert Burlingame follows Kitten, an orphaned young woman whose world is shaped by mythical creatures and warring clans. When her closest friend is abducted, Kitten ventures into the forbidden forest, where she encounters Cerberus, a formidable being bound to her by an unexplainable connection. Together, they must navigate peril and unravel secrets to save an innocent life, forging a bond that could alter their destinies.
Kitten And The Big Bad Wolf Synopsis
In a realm inhabited by mythical creatures and disparate clans locked in conflict, Kitten, a young woman who experienced the hardships of growing up as an orphan, witnesses her dear friend being captured. Determined to seek aid, she fortuitously stumbles upon ‘Cerberus’ in the forbidden depths of the forest. United by an inexplicable connection, they now face the urgent task of rescuing an innocent life.
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More About The Novel
Author: | Robert Burlingame |
Publisher: | Dreame |
Genre: | Werewolf |
Mode: | Ongoing |
Themes Explored In The Novel
The themes explored in Kitten and the Big Bad Wolf by Robert Burlingame:
- Friendship and Loyalty: The novel highlights the depth of Kitten’s loyalty and devotion to her friend, showcasing the lengths she is willing to go to ensure their safety.
- Self-Discovery and Identity: Kitten’s journey alongside Cerberus brings her closer to understanding her own strengths and the mysteries of her past, particularly in a world filled with mythical creatures and conflicts.
- Courage and Resilience: Kitten’s determination to rescue her friend and face the dangers of the forbidden forest underscores the theme of bravery in the face of overwhelming odds.
- Connection and Unity: The bond between Kitten and Cerberus emphasizes the importance of unexpected alliances and the power of unity to overcome adversity.
- Good vs. Evil: Set against the backdrop of warring clans, the story delves into the struggle between forces of destruction and those seeking harmony.
- Sacrifice and Redemption: The characters’ choices often reflect themes of self-sacrifice and the quest for redemption, adding emotional depth to their journey.
- Mystery and the Supernatural: The mythical setting and enigmatic connection between Kitten and Cerberus weave a narrative rich with intrigue and otherworldly elements.
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