The Dragon’s Enchanted by Tori Johnson unfolds in a world devoid of magic, where the sudden return of Princess Avyanna and King Drazhan sparks whispers of an ancient prophecy. United by marriage to secure their kingdoms, the couple discovers dormant powers within themselves, awakening memories of a forgotten past. However, as they navigate courtly politics and grapple with their newfound abilities, they become targets of fear and suspicion. Branded as harbingers of doom, Avyanna and Drazhan are cast out and forced to confront dark forces threatening their world. With danger lurking at every turn, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the prophecy and reclaim their rightful place in history. Read THE DRAGON’S ENCHANTED Blurb Below:


In a world where magic had long faded into myth and legend, the stirring of an ancient prophecy sent ripples across the land, heralding the return of two formidable figures: Princess Avyanna and King Drazhan. Descending from a lineage steeped in mystery, their past lives remained veiled in the mists of time, leaving them unaware of the pivotal roles they were destined to play.

Amidst the backdrop of kingdoms governed by mortal rulers, Avyanna and Drazhan found themselves bound by duty and tradition, compelled to unite their realms through marriage. Yet, beneath the facade of political alliance lay a deeper connection—one forged by the echoes of a love that spanned centuries.

As they navigated the intricacies of courtly life and the expectations thrust upon them, dormant powers began to stir within Avyanna and Drazhan, awakening memories of a forgotten age. With each passing day, their bond grew stronger, fueled by a love that transcended time and space.

However, their burgeoning union was overshadowed by the ominous whispers of prophecy, which foretold of their role in shaping the fate of humanity. Branded as harbingers of doom, they found themselves cast out by their own people, forced to flee the kingdoms they once called home.

Driven by an unyielding determination to defy destiny, Avyanna and Drazhan embarked on a perilous journey, seeking to unravel the mysteries of their past and reclaim their rightful place in the world. Yet, as they delved deeper into the secrets that shrouded their existence, they encountered new challenges and adversaries at every turn.

Caught in a web of intrigue and betrayal, they soon discovered that their true enemy lay not in the mortal realm, but in the dark forces that lurked beyond the veil of reality. With the malevolent presence of the Dragon of Ages looming ever closer, they knew that their only hope for survival lay in embracing the power within themselves and confronting the darkness that threatened to consume them.

As they braved the trials and tribulations that lay ahead, Avyanna and Drazhan were forced to confront their deepest fears and confront the shadows of their past. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, they embarked on a quest to rewrite the stars and forge a new destiny—one shaped by courage, sacrifice, and the enduring power of love.

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