“A Night with Gideon” by pariahrei follows Lyzza, a desperate nineteen-year-old who auctions her virginity to the highest bidder, Gideon Vesarius, a brooding ex-military billionaire. Four years later, their worlds collide when Lyzza, now an intern, discovers Gideon owns the company she’s working for and uncovers their hidden daughter. As secrets unravel, Gideon presents her with a life-altering choice: marry him or face the consequences of their past. Read the blurb below.
In “A Night with Gideon” by pariahrei, Lyzza, driven by desperation, auctions off her virginity at just nineteen. The highest bidder is Gideon Vesarius, a powerful and enigmatic ex-military billionaire. Their brief but intense encounter seems like a chapter closed forever—until four years later, when Lyzza, now preparing for an internship at a major airline, discovers that Gideon is not only her daughter’s father but also the owner of the company where she hopes to start her career.
As Lyzza grapples with the shock of Gideon’s unexpected reappearance, she faces the terrifying possibility of losing her daughter. Gideon, however, is not content with merely reasserting control; he offers Lyzza a chance to reshape their future together. With the stakes higher than ever, he presents her with a choice—marry him and secure a new path for their family, or risk everything they’ve built. Will Lyzza accept Gideon’s offer and rebuild her life with him, or will she stand her ground and protect her newfound independence?
Read: You Waited
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