Anno: Igentis Bellis

Anno: Igentis Bellis by Raven_Aelwood is a fantasy novel. This is a tale. One of Life, Of Death, And of the unnatural disregard of the rules that govern both. We arguably begin our journey at this climax, just after the death and reincarnation of a random eccentric. In a turbulent world experiencing a forceful, remorseless revolution, we follow the saga of a possessed young noble and the world around him. Follow our main character, a slightly crazy (Laughs), psychopathic, possibly apathetic yet apt youth… Possessing dual souls, and the memories that come with them, He challenges head-on the complicated political structure and social-economic hurdles that plague a budding, war-stricken civilization. Come along, oh dear traveller… To Anno, a greater world hiding in its bowels legendary secrets worthy of your exploration. For it is the year 223 S.T. The year it all began. Read Anno: Igentis Bellis Blurb Below.

Anno: Igentis Bellis Blurb

The parchment crackled in the flickering candlelight, the words scrawled across its surface a cryptic invitation into a world teetering on the precipice. This wasn’t a mere tale; it was a prelude, a whisper of a symphony about to erupt into a cacophony of life, death, and a defiance of the very laws that governed them.

Our story isn’t cradled in the gentle rocking of a newborn’s cradle; it bursts forth amidst the crescendo of a revolution, a relentless wave of change crashing down upon a world weary of its own stagnation. Here, amidst the turmoil, we meet Kinoya, a young noble whose lineage whispered of past glories. But Kinoya wasn’t your typical aristocrat. A touch of madness danced behind his eyes, a spark of controlled chaos that hinted at a deeper truth.

This truth lay buried within him – a duality of souls, each with its own set of memories, a tangled tapestry woven into the fabric of his being. One, the life he vaguely recalled, was that of a brilliant but eccentric researcher, forever captivated by the mysteries of the world. The other, a void slowly being filled with fragments of violence and pain, a chilling testament to a life brutally stolen.

This duality fueled Kinoya’s apathy, a mask he wore to shield the maelstrom raging within. Yet, beneath that surface, a spark of purpose flickered. The world he found himself in was a mess, a tangled web of political machinations and a festering social divide. War, a ravenous beast, gnawed at the edges of civilization, threatening to consume all in its path.

Kinoya, however, wouldn’t be a passive observer. Armed with the memories of his past lives, both brilliant and brutal, he decided to confront these challenges head-on. The complexities of the political landscape, the entrenched powers clinging to their privileges, the economic injustice that choked the life out of the common folk – these became his battleground.

But Kinoya wasn’t a knight in shining armor, charging headlong into battle. He was a strategist, a weaver of shadows. He used his unique perspective, the blend of a scholar’s curiosity and a survivor’s ruthlessness, to exploit the cracks in the system. He became a thorn in the side of the corrupt elite, a champion – albeit a slightly unhinged one – for the downtrodden.

Anno, the world he inhabited, was more than just a backdrop for his exploits. It was a sprawling canvas, teeming with secrets whispered on the wind. Legends spoke of forgotten civilizations slumbering beneath the earth, harboring knowledge and power beyond comprehension. These weren’t mere bedtime stories; they were whispers of a truth waiting to be unearthed.

The year 223 S.T. – the Solar Year of Tears, as some called it – marked a turning point. It was the year Kinoya’s journey truly began. It was the year the world around him fractured, and within those cracks, he glimpsed a future filled with both promise and peril.

This wasn’t just a story of one man’s fight against a crumbling world; it was a saga of defiance, of challenging the very fabric of reality. As you turn the page, dear traveler, prepare to delve into Anno, a world where sanity and madness dance a macabre waltz, where forgotten secrets whisper promises of power, and where a young man, possessed by a legacy of both brilliance and brutality, stands poised to rewrite the rules of the game.

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Anno: Igentis Bellis
Anno: Igentis Bellis

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