ARIANNA by Esther X delivers a gripping tale of betrayal, revenge, and unyielding love set against the backdrop of a kingdom rife with intrigue. Read the blurb below:


A maid filled with good morals and high standards, Arianna discovers the evil plans of Prince Rob’s future wife, Princess Eleanor, and his treacherous Ambassador Rick. Determined to protect her prince, Arianna does everything possible to stop the sinister plot. Her efforts lead to her exile, leaving Rob devastated and her mother, Sandra, heartbroken.

Three years pass, and rumors emerge of a mysterious Goddess residing in the forest. Intrigued, Arianna’s childhood friend, Henry, investigates and finds the Goddess, Diana, captivating despite being intimidated by her fierce tigress, Rava. As the kingdom buzzes with curiosity, word of the Goddess reaches the castle, drawing Rob’s interest and causing him to distance himself from Eleanor.

Infuriated by the delay in their engagement, Eleanor poisons Rob’s parents during his absence. Upon his return with Henry, Rob is met with the tragic news of his parents’ deaths. Arianna, now the enigmatic Goddess Diana, hears of their demise and vows revenge, taking actions that shock everyone, including Rob.

ARIANNA tells a story of transformation and resilience as a maid-turned-Goddess fights to protect her prince and avenge the wrongs done to her. Follow Arianna’s journey through exile, rediscovery, and a quest for justice that challenges the very fabric of the kingdom.

Read: The Love Barn


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