Called by the Dragon by Mana Sol follows Anzi, a dragon rider in training, who discovers her beloved Empire enslaves dragons rather than partnering with them. Confronted by this harsh truth, she finds herself drawn to a wild dragon shifter, who reveals he is her destined mate. As the surviving wild dragons rise to free their kin, Anzi must choose between duty and love. Read the blurb below.
In Called by the Dragon by Mana Sol, the Empire reigns with the power of dragons, selecting riders from childhood to train with their destined partners. Anzi eagerly awaits the hatching of her dragon, only to uncover the harrowing truth that dragon riders are not partners but enslavers. The dragons are bred in captivity and enslaved from birth, mere shadows of their once-noble species. Anzi’s world shatters as she grapples with the reality that the nation she vowed to serve may be built on lies and oppression.
As Anzi wrestles with these revelations, a greater threat looms. After two centuries, the wild dragons who survived the Purge are returning, driven by a fierce desire to free their brethren. These dragons, now able to shift into human form, have infiltrated human society, and Anzi has unknowingly met one. In a twist of fate, this dragon is her mate, complicating her loyalties and igniting a struggle between duty and destiny. As fire and storm approach, Anzi must decide where her true allegiance lies and what price she is willing to pay for freedom and love.
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