Captured By The Dragon

“Captured By The Dragon” by Above Story Limited is an Adventure novel that immerses readers in a gripping tale of mystery and peril as the protagonist, Patara, finds herself in an unsettling situation. Awakening to a world filled with tremors and an unpleasant smell, Patara grapples with fear and confusion about her circumstances. The narrative unfolds with the ominous presence of barbaric shifters, notorious for their penchant for capturing human girls. Read Captured By The Dragon Blurb below.

Captured By The Dragon Blurb

The world around me trembled, mirroring the jolting sensation akin to riding in the back of a moving vehicle. A disconcerting odor pervaded the air, jolting me into consciousness. Fear surged through me as I grappled with the disorienting questions of my whereabouts, the circumstances leading to my current predicament, and the identity of my captor.

Desperation seized my senses, and I attempted to vocalize my distress, but my throat, torn and raw, thwarted any attempts to scream for help. Flashes of barbaric shifters loomed in my mind, their imposing figures standing guard outside the door. Tales I’d heard since childhood described these creatures as large, rough beings devoid of manners, ruthlessly claiming whatever they desired. The stories painted a bleak picture of them targeting pretty human girls, plucking them from the roads as if they were prizes free for the taking.

As my captor, Patara, sought to retreat from the imposing young man, he held her firmly, his grip unyielding. His piercing blue-grey eyes traced every contour of her face, as if etching the image into his memory. In a husky voice that sent shivers down her spine, he proposed, “Would you like me to take you away?” Incapable of speaking, Patara could only nod desperately, her silent plea evident in her eyes.

Inquiring about the terms of her rescue, the young man posed a provocative question: “And what do you offer me in exchange for your rescue? Would you like to follow me?” Slowly, Patara nodded, extending her hand to his in a gesture of desperate agreement.

A chilling reminder followed, his words whispered against her ear, “Remember your promises. The last person who betrayed me got to see what his insides looked like before I slit his throat.” The atmosphere thickened with tension as the clandestine exchange set the stage for an unfolding tale of captivity, survival, and the intricate dance between captor and captive.

READ: The Lonely Alpha

Captured By The Dragon

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