CONQUERED by Joy Naya is a romance novel that explores the intense and passionate relationship between Iris Adelana, a determined woman seeking her father’s legacy, and Enyinnaya Amadi, a powerful man who demands more than just a signature. As their chemistry ignites and their desires clash, Iris must navigate a complex web of power, ambition, and love. Will she surrender to Enyinnaya’s relentless pursuit, or will she conquer her own heart and maintain control over her life?


He moves closer to me, dangerously close, and pins both my hands with one of his. My body wanted his; this time, there was no denying it.

“What do you say, Miss Iris?” His husky voice questions, “what we have is just chemistry,” I object.

“So?” His lips are on my nose as he asks that.

“I have a boyfriend,” I object again.

This time it’s like I am trying to remind my body that it has an owner, and that owner isn’t the man standing before me, but my treacherous body wouldn’t listen.

“Break up with him.”

“But…” My last objection was cut short as his lips ruthlessly descended on mine, cutting off every last bit of sanity I may have had in me. His kiss seemed to say ‘forget everything else,’ and that was exactly what I did.

Iris Adelana’s only goal was to get a signature from Mr. Enyinnaya Amadi, granting her the legal rights as her father’s successor. But Mr. Enyinnaya wants something else—a weekend in Dubai, and that is what he gets. However, one weekend seems to be insufficient, and Enyinnaya is requesting more.

Iris is fierce and stubborn, determined to keep her independence and her boyfriend, but her resolve wavers in the face of Enyinnaya’s relentless pursuit and undeniable chemistry. With his signature and her father’s wealth now in her possession, will Iris give in to Enyinnaya’s desires, or will she fight to keep control of her life and her heart?

As their relationship intensifies, Iris must navigate a complicated web of power, desire, and ambition. Will she succumb to the powerful allure of the man who has conquered her body, or will she find a way to conquer her own heart and mind? In Conquered, Joy Naya takes readers on a journey of passion, power struggles, and the quest for true independence.




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