Cultivation Starts With Selling Talent

Cultivation Starts With Selling Talent by Cryo_Knight is a Fantasy novel. In a realm of immortals and demons, a talentless cultivator stumbles upon a golden opportunity. He opens a shop, offering a peculiar trade: cultivation for coveted talents. His journey takes him from unknown shopkeeper to the leader of the world’s most powerful merchant clan. Read Cultivation Starts With Selling Talent Blurb Below.

Cultivation Starts With Selling Talent Blurb

Wu Jun, a man once adrift in the mundane, found himself cast into a world of soaring immortals and fearsome demons. But fate, a fickle mistress, dealt him a cruel hand. Thrust into the body of a cultivator crippled by a lack of talent, his path to power seemed hopelessly obstructed. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of hope ignited. A mysterious ability, his “golden finger,” bestowed upon him the extraordinary power to grant coveted talents – at a price.

Undeterred by his limitations, Wu Jun seized his newfound opportunity. On the sun-drenched shores of Golden Moon Island, he established a shop unlike any other. Here, cultivators could barter away years of their cultivation in exchange for talents they desperately desired. Whether it was the subtle touch of a “Beast Tamer Apprentice,” the unwavering focus of a “Sword Heart,” or the legendary prowess of a “Martial Saint,” Wu Jun offered a path to power for those willing to pay the cost.

His journey, however, was far from smooth. Skeptics scoffed, powerful entities sought to exploit his abilities, and the very act of altering talent threatened the delicate balance of the cultivation world. Yet, fueled by a relentless drive and a shrewd mind, Wu Jun navigated the treacherous landscape, forging alliances and amassing wealth. His shop, once a humble storefront, blossomed into a sprawling enterprise, attracting cultivators from across the land.

From the obscure corners of the market to the grand halls of power, Wu Jun’s influence grew. His name, whispered with a mixture of awe and apprehension, became synonymous with opportunity and disruption. As his empire flourished, whispers of him becoming leader of the world’s largest merchant clan began to circulate. But for Wu Jun, the true prize lay not in riches or power, but in defying the limitations of his own existence. His journey, a cunning blend of commerce and cultivation, promised to rewrite the very definition of talent and reshape the world of immortals and demons forever.

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Cultivation Starts With Selling Talent
Cultivation Starts With Selling Talent

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