D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn’t so Bad

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn’t so Bad by  Vongrak is a fantasy novel, “Kat, you have a tail” said Lily “Look, Lily, it really isn’t that big of a concern” said Kat “You.Have.A.TAIL KAT” said Lily “How is this not a concern to you?” “Well, the dream I had was a bit weird as well, but if I’m honest, I’m mainly worried about the floating text that’s on fire” said Kat “THE What?” said Lily. Read D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn’t so Bad Blurb Below.

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn’t so Bad Blurb

The shriek pierced the morning calm, shattering the comfortable routine Kat had meticulously crafted. It wasn’t the blaring alarm clock, no. This was a shriek of pure, unadulterated panic, and it came from her roommate Lily.

Kat groaned, flinging an arm over her head. “Lily, it’s Saturday. Even the demons respect weekends, right?” she mumbled into her pillow.

Another shriek, more insistent this time, pried her eyelids open. A blurry vision of Lily, frantically bouncing on the edge of their shared bed, greeted her.

“Kat,” Lily hissed, eyes wide with a mix of terror and fascination, “you have a tail.”

Kat’s sleep-addled brain struggled to process this declaration. A tail? Was she still dreaming? With a sigh, she sat up and peered down.

There, nestled between the familiar blue sheets, was an appendage that definitely hadn’t been there before. A sleek, black tail, tipped with a hint of fire, swished back and forth in agitation.

Kat blinked, trying to dispel the morning haze. “Yeah, Lily,” she said, trying to sound nonchalant, “that’s a bit weird. Back to sleep, then?”

Lily, however, was far from ready for sleep. “How is this not a concern to you?” she screeched, her voice reaching a decibel level that would have made a banshee proud. “You have a demon tail, Kat! This is a huge deal!”

Kat winced. Lily’s enthusiasm was endearing, but the tail situation… well, that was definitely strange. But compared to the other bizarre stuff that happened to her lately, a tail seemed almost mundane. Just yesterday, she’d levitated a spoon while making coffee – a feat she’d managed to blame on a dodgy caffeine batch.

“Look,” Kat said, trying to reason with her increasingly frantic roommate, “the dream I had last night was a bit peculiar too, but honestly, I’m more worried about the floating text hovering over my head that seems to be on fire.”

Lily froze. “The what?” she whispered, her eyes following Kat’s gaze. There, shimmering faintly in the morning light, hung a line of flaming red text: “Demonic Familiar Activation: 7 Days Until Next Summoning.”

The room plunged into a tense silence. Demons. Summoning. These were words that belonged in fantasy novels, not their tiny apartment above a greasy spoon diner. Kat, however, had a sinking feeling this was as real as it got.

The past few weeks had been a whirlwind of inexplicable occurrences – an unnatural affinity for languages she’d never studied, an unsettling fascination with the occult, and a strange recurring dream of a fiery portal and a booming voice promising power. Now, the tail and the floating text were the icing on the very strange cake.

Lily, ever the pragmatist, broke the silence. “Okay,” she said, her voice surprisingly steady, “demon tail, floating fire text… Let’s break this down. First, get rid of the tail. Second, figure out what this summoning business is about. Third, copious amounts of coffee. Sound good?”

Kat, despite the absurdity of the situation, found a smile tugging at her lips. Maybe having a demon tail wasn’t so bad after all. At least she had Lily, her best friend, demon-slayer-in-training (hopefully).

This is the story of Kat and Lily, two ordinary girls thrust into a world of the extraordinary. Join them as they navigate the strange new reality of demonic tails, fiery pronouncements, and weekly summons. Will they unravel the mystery of Kat’s newfound abilities? Can they survive the trials of a demon familiar, all while dodging suspicious neighbors and making sure the rent gets paid? This is a hilarious and heartwarming tale of friendship, self-discovery, and the unexpected perks (and perils) of having a demon tail.

READ: Supreme Martial System

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn’t so Bad

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