
Fallen” by Meghan Barrow is a thrilling and captivating tale of romance, intrigue, and the supernatural. The story follows Rose, a human girl who discovers that she has four soulmates, all of whom are werewolves. Despite her initial shock, Rose finds herself drawn to these mysterious and alluring creatures. Read Fallen Blurb below:

Fallen Blurb

As Rose navigates her new relationships, she also becomes entangled in the secrets of the small town in Oregon where she now resides. With two of her soulmates being twins, one a teacher, and the other an ex-boyfriend, Rose must navigate the complexities of her feelings while also unraveling the mysteries that surround her.

The novel explores themes of love, loyalty, and the supernatural, weaving together a tale of romance and suspense. As Rose delves deeper into the secrets of her town, she discovers that there is more to her soulmates than meets the eye, and that her attraction to them may be more than just coincidence.

“Fallen” is a gripping and enchanting story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. With its captivating characters and intriguing plot twists

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