Haunted Beasts

Haunted Beasts by Marie Changara follows Heaven Ross as she discovers a cursed demon within herself, entangling her in a dark and twisted love triangle. As secrets unravel, her fight for normalcy turns into a battle with the beasts inside her. Read the blurb below.

Haunted Beasts Blurb

In Haunted Beasts by Marie Changara, Heaven Ross has always felt out of place, yearning for a normal life and the affection of her love, Sky Gomez. But Heaven’s life takes a dark turn when she discovers a cursed demon within her, desperate to reunite with its own lost love. As Heaven navigates this twisted love triangle, she uncovers secrets about herself that challenge everything she thought she knew.

As the demon’s influence grows stronger, Heaven is forced to confront the truth of her identity and the hidden forces that have shaped her destiny. With each revelation, she finds herself deeper in a web of love, betrayal, and ancient curses that threaten to consume her. Will Heaven find a way to break free, or will she be forever haunted by the beasts within?

Read: Possess Me Slowly

Haunted Beasts
Haunted Beasts

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