HIS MAID WIFE by Sheetal Sehra is a romance novel that explores the tumultuous journey of Aubrey, a naive young girl who falls deeply in love with Evan Cooper, a ruthless nobleman. Despite societal barriers and his cold-hearted nature, she marries him through her mother’s manipulative schemes. Enduring insults and living as an outsider in her own home, Aubrey’s love is tested further by a sinister conspiracy. This story follows her resilience and quest for justice in the face of betrayal and heartbreak.


HIS MAID WIFE by Sheetal Sehra is a romance novel that intricately weaves dreams with harsh realities, chronicling the journey of a young girl who dares to marry the man who ignited butterflies in her stomach. Aubrey, a naive and timid soul, found herself captivated by love at a tender age, guided by the unwavering belief that love knows no boundaries. The moment Evan Cooper, a nobleman, smiled at her, Aubrey fell deeply and irrevocably in love. Unbeknownst to her, the rules of society would conspire against her, casting her as a maid daring to love a member of the aristocracy.

Love’s flame burned fiercely within Aubrey, and with her mother’s manipulation, she embarked on an unconventional path, becoming the maid wife of Evan Cooper, a man notorious for his ruthlessness, cold-heartedness, and arrogance. Despite Evan’s refusal to acknowledge her as his wife, Aubrey clung to her role, enduring insults and living as an outsider in her own home. Her unwavering spirit kept her going, even as she faced the disdain of her new family.

However, her world is shattered when a sinister conspiracy, orchestrated by her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, strips away her fleeting happiness. Cast out and left questioning her fate, Aubrey finds herself contemplating a path of revenge she never thought she’d seek. Will Aubrey rise above the injustices inflicted upon her and reclaim her rightful place? Join her on a tumultuous journey of love, betrayal, and resilience as she seeks retribution for the atrocities committed against her, proving that even the meekest of hearts can harbor the fiercest of fires.

READ:The Duke’s Masked Wife



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