Humanity by EJBowman unfolds on the planet of Manticore in a distant future, where Lord Koris Young and Lord Lysander Jordanis find themselves embroiled in a high-stakes political battle for the chairman role. Against the backdrop of an impending election, the story delves into the complexities of their personal lives as they navigate the turbulent waters of politics and societal upheaval. Read Humanity Blurb below:

Humanity Blurb

Koris Young, the youngest chairman candidate in Manticorian history, faces formidable challenges due to ageism and conflicting ideologies among the lords and ladies of Manticore. His vision for equal rights and unity between different social classes puts him at odds with traditional political norms, forcing him to navigate treacherous political waters to champion his cause and effect positive change.

On the other hand, Lysander Jordanis, with centuries of political experience, initially appears as a logical choice for leadership. However, his pride and personal failings lead to a downward spiral, jeopardizing everything he holds dear and casting doubt on his ability to lead effectively.

Humanity by EJBowman delves into themes of political intrigue, societal transformation, and personal redemption, offering a compelling narrative that explores the intricacies of power, ambition, and the human condition in a futuristic setting. Through the struggles and triumphs of Koris Young and Lysander Jordanis, the story paints a vivid picture of a society in flux and the individuals who shape its destiny.

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