IF HELL WAS COLD by Wize_king is a Dark Fantasy novel. In a world ravaged by demons, Aiden, a man consumed by loss, embarks on a desperate journey to save his family and find his missing sister. He becomes a Contractor, humanity’s last hope against the infernal invasion, seeking redemption in the face of a chilling hell. Read IF HELL WAS COLD Blurb Below.


The world had succumbed to a symphony of screams. Demonic incursions, like festering wounds on the fabric of reality, had unleashed nightmarish creatures upon a once-peaceful Earth. Aiden, a man sculpted by loss, bore the weight of this ravaged world on his weary shoulders.

His life had been a tapestry woven with tragedy. His sister, ripped from his grasp in a chilling abduction, remained lost in the abyss. His parents, physically unscathed by the demonic energy that birthed these horrors, were left emotionally crippled, their spirits echoing the desolate cries of a dying world.

As if the cruel hand of fate hadn’t inflicted enough, Aiden was cast out by his foster family, stripped of the solace of even a semblance of normalcy. He was adrift in a sea of despair, clinging to the wreckage of his former life.

But amidst the crushing darkness, a flicker of hope ignited. Fate, a capricious entity, presented Aiden with an unexpected opportunity. A chance to redeem himself, to fight not just for his own survival, but for the remnants of humanity.

He could become a Contractor, a conduit for the very essence that fueled the demonic scourge. By forging a pact with a celestial entity, he could wield a power that surpassed human limitations. This power, however, came at a terrible cost. It was a Faustian bargain, a dance with the very forces that had wrought havoc upon the world.

Driven by a potent cocktail of grief, vengeance, and a desperate yearning to save his ailing mother and find his missing sister, Aiden embraced this perilous path. He would delve into the abyss, not to become consumed by it, but to harness its darkness and turn it against itself.

His journey would be fraught with danger. He would face not only the demonic hordes that threatened to devour the world, but also the gnawing doubts within himself. Could he control the immense power he was about to wield, or would it consume him from within?

This was the story of Aiden, a man forged in the fires of loss, who dared to walk the tightrope between damnation and redemption. In the ashes of a shattered world, he would rise, a beacon of hope against the encroaching darkness. In a world where hell had become chillingly real, Aiden would fight to reclaim his humanity and carve a path towards a future yet unwritten.

READ: Eternity: God Mechanic



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