I’m a spinosaurus with a System to raise a dinosaur army

I’m a spinosaurus with a System to raise a dinosaur army by Fabrizio_Biancucci is a fantasy novel. After dying following a car accident, Fen Chiang finds himself in a limbo between the afterlife and the mortal world where he meets God himself, who makes him a strange request: to immediately reincarnate in a world called Eden, where all species that existed on Earth (dinosaurs, prehistoric mammals, synapsids, pterosaurs, etc.) coexist together, to save it from the human beings who are destroying it due to excessive pollution. Armed with his knowledge and a System, our hero, now reincarnated as a spinosaurus named Sobek, must embark on a difficult journey to reunite the dinosaurs and curb humanity’s greed. However, defeating the most powerful species that ever existed will not be an easy task even for a dinosaur army, and surely humanity will not abandon the title of dominant species very easily. Read I’m a spinosaurus with a System to raise a dinosaur army Blurb Below.

I’m a spinosaurus with a System to raise a dinosaur army Blurb

The world dissolved into a blinding white. The screech of twisting metal and the searing pain of impact were a distant memory as Fen Chiang found himself suspended in a void of swirling light. Disoriented and confused, he flailed his nonexistent limbs, a primal panic clawing at his throat.

Then, a voice boomed, echoing around him like the tolling of a celestial bell. “Fen Chiang,” it resonated, “do not fear. You stand at the crossroads of existence.”

Fen squinted into the light, searching for the source of the voice. Slowly, a figure materialized – a being of pure energy, radiating an otherworldly glow. It was God, or at least, Fen’s interpretation of one.

“Who are you? Where am I?” Fen stammered, his voice raw with confusion.

“You are at the precipice, Fen,” the being boomed. “You have perished in your world, struck down by a cruel twist of fate. However, your journey isn’t over.”

Fen’s mind reeled. Dead? But how? The last thing he remembered was the blinding glare of headlights, the sickening crunch of metal. It all came flooding back, a bittersweet pang of loss echoing within him.

The being continued, its voice softening. “There is a world, Eden, on the brink of destruction. Humans, once stewards of their planet, have become its despoilers. Pollution chokes the skies, greed poisons their hearts. The delicate balance of Eden is collapsing.”

Fen, despite his predicament, felt a flicker of indignation. Destroying their own world? These humans sounded remarkably similar to the ones he knew.

“And that’s where you come in, Fen,” the voice chuckled, a sound that resonated like wind chimes. “You see, Eden isn’t devoid of life. It teems with creatures from your past – the dinosaurs, the giants of a bygone era. But they are scattered, divided, their power dormant.”

The being gestured, and visions swam before Fen’s eyes. He saw towering Brachiosaurs silhouetted against crimson skies, packs of cunning Velociraptors stalking lush jungles, and the colossal form of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, its roar shaking the very earth.

“You, Fen, will be reborn in Eden,” the being declared. “But not as a human. You will be Sobek, a mighty Spinosaurus, the largest theropod predator to ever walk the Earth. And you will be armed with a System, a tool to guide you.”

A surge of energy coursed through Fen, a spark igniting within him. He wouldn’t just be reborn; he would be a legend reborn. A dinosaur with a purpose.

He awoke with a gasp, finding himself sprawled on a bed of soft ferns. The air vibrated with unfamiliar sounds – the chirping of strange insects, the distant bellow of a creature far larger than anything he’d ever known. He was a Spinosaurus, his body sleek and powerful, his sails catching the warm breeze.

The System, a disembodied voice in his mind, chimed in – a tutorial on survival, on hunting, on accessing his unique abilities. Fen, or rather Sobek now, learned of the stat boosts, the skill trees, the ability to call upon past knowledge to enhance his dinosaur prowess. He was a walking, prehistoric weapon, imbued with the wisdom of a human and the raw power of a Spinosaurus.

His journey began in the lush heart of Eden, where dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes roamed. He befriended a pack of intelligent Raptor sisters, their sharp wit and cunning a valuable addition to his growing dinosaur army. He encountered a wise Triceratops elder, his horns scarred by battles long past, who spoke of a time when dinosaurs ruled the earth, a time Sobek was determined to restore.

But Eden wasn’t just teeming with prehistoric life. The taint of human pollution was everywhere – poisoned rivers, barren wastelands, and the ever-present threat of human settlements encroaching on dinosaur territory. Sobek witnessed their greed firsthand, the insatiable hunger that devoured the land.

And then there were the other dinosaurs – those who either embraced the humans as providers or simply tolerated them out of fear. Convincing them to join his cause, to reclaim their birthright, wouldn’t be easy. It would require diplomacy, cunning, and perhaps even a show of force.

Sobek’s journey became one of gathering allies, building an army strong enough to challenge human dominance. He faced rival dinosaur packs, navigated treacherous landscapes ravaged by human pollution, and even ventured near human settlements, his very presence a chilling reminder of the power that lay dormant beneath the earth.

READ: Soul King System

I'm a spinosaurus with a System to raise a dinosaur army
I’m a spinosaurus with a System to raise a dinosaur army

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