JACK and JILL by Reemah Reigns is a romance novel that weaves together suspense and passion as two strangers, brought together by fate on a stormy night, must navigate the treacherous dangers surrounding them while discovering a deep connection that could change their lives forever.

JACK and JILL Blurb

Jillian Don was on the run, desperate and wounded, with danger closing in fast on that stormy, rain-soaked night. Gasping for breath, blood seeping from a gunshot wound, she pushed herself to keep moving, knowing that stopping could mean the end. Just as her strength began to fail, a car screeched to a halt beside her. A man’s voice, urgent yet trembling, broke through the pounding rain.

“Hey Jill, let me help you!” he pleaded.

Eyes narrowed in suspicion, Jillian forced herself to ask, “Who are you?” She needed to be sure this wasn’t just another trap set by her relentless pursuers.

“I’m Jack Mayor,” the man replied, his voice steady despite the chaos around them. But before Jillian could process the words, her world faded to black as she collapsed into his arms.

What will happen when Jillian wakes up? Can she trust this stranger who appeared at her darkest hour, or is he just another player in the dangerous game she’s caught up in?

READ:Voodoo Queens of New Orleans


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