Jayda Stone

“Jayda Stone” by Venus Venus is a Fantasy novel that revolves around the protagonist Jayda, who finds herself entangled in a web of betrayal and danger. Adrian, a man she had trusted, shocks her by callously offering her as a pawn to his brother, Jordan. Jayda, grappling with feelings of betrayal and disbelief, refuses to succumb to tears, determined to prove her resilience. Read Jayda Stone Blurb below.

Jayda Stone Blurb

Adrian’s chilling words hung in the air, shattering Jayda’s trust like fragile glass. Betrayal etched on her face, she met his gaze with wide-eyed disbelief. The man she had once trusted now stood as a betraying phantom, confirming her lingering suspicions that he would abandon her at the slightest opportunity. Refusing to shed tears in his presence, Jayda steeled herself to prove that she could endure and survive without him.

As the tension thickened, Adrian’s brother, Jordan, entered the scene, his eyes fixated on Jayda with an unsettling hunger, as if contemplating her fate as a possession. A cruel proposal slipped from his lips, suggesting Jayda be kept as a new pet. Adrian, still locked in a silent battle of wills with Jayda, callously agreed to surrender her.

In the midst of this heart-wrenching exchange, Jayda couldn’t escape the haunting memories of their intense lovemaking just the day before. The flashes of passion and vulnerability intertwined with the impending betrayal made her cringe inwardly. Regret engulfed her as she realized she had given herself to a vampire, one who now appeared ready to sacrifice her for the sake of his kingdom and clan.

Jayda’s mind echoed with self-blame, questioning her decision to extend compassion to the wounded vampire when she had found him. She lamented the day she had allowed him into her life, knowing that falling for a vampire was a perilous choice. Her thoughts spiraled into the realization that her act of kindness had paved the way for impending doom. Now, faced with the harsh consequences, Jayda braced herself for the merciless fate that awaited her at the hands of the very vampire she had once nurtured and cared for.

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Jayda Stone
Jayda Stone

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