“Love Me Baby,” authored by N.R. Skylight is a Romance novel that revolves around Morgana. Morgana finds herself in a marriage of convenience with Ryan Burke, heir to a wealthy family, in a desperate attempt to save her father’s life. Despite their union being solely on paper, Morgana’s feelings for Ryan deepen, even as he remains entangled with his girlfriend, Elena Kyle. Three years later, with her father’s passing, Morgana seeks to end the marriage, only to find herself grappling with unexpected emotions and the discovery of a new romance. As she navigates the complexities of love, duty, and unforeseen twists of fate, Morgana’s journey unfolds against the backdrop of secrets and mysteries that threaten to change everything she knows.
As the sleek black card was extended towards me, bearing the weight of untold financial possibilities, I couldn’t help but meet the gaze of the handsome man before me. His expression, cool and distant, offered little insight into the complexities of his thoughts. With a silent nod, I accepted the card into my trembling fingers, watching in silence as he departed, leaving behind an unspoken tension that lingered in the air.
Despite the legal bond that tied us together in matrimony, our lives remained as separate as the distant shores of turbulent seas. Our marriage existed only on paper, a contractual agreement born out of dire circumstances, each of us navigating our own tumultuous waters.
It was a desperate bid to save my father’s life that led me into this arrangement—agreeing to wed the scion of a wealthy family, Ryan Burke, in exchange for the means to afford my father’s cancer treatment. For me, the terms of our union mattered little in the face of the looming shadow of mortality that threatened to engulf my world.
Three long years passed in a haze of nominal existence, as Ryan’s affections remained entangled with another—Elena Kyle, his steadfast girlfriend. Yet, amidst the facade of indifference, I found myself unwittingly ensnared by the tendrils of love that blossomed within the confines of our marriage. Though reluctant to admit it, my heart had long surrendered to the allure of Ryan’s enigmatic charm, despite his bafflement at my seemingly detached demeanor.
The day finally arrived when the contract that bound us was to be dissolved—a bittersweet liberation that promised an end to our charade of a marriage. Eager to embrace the newfound freedom that awaited me, I ventured out with colleagues to celebrate the impending divorce, seizing the opportunity to explore a burgeoning connection with Dr. Elliot Sharon.
Little did I anticipate the twist of fate that awaited me—a chance encounter with Ryan, whose unexpected presence served as a stark reminder of the lingering ties that bound us together. In that moment, I realized that my journey towards emancipation was far from over, as Ryan presented me with a compelling reason to reconsider our impending separation.
And so, against the backdrop of uncertainty and unresolved emotions, I remained tethered to Ryan—a reluctant bride caught in the tumultuous currents of love and duty. Yet, as the shadows of our past loomed ever closer, threatening to engulf us in darkness, I knew that the time had come to confront the secrets that lay buried beneath the surface—a decision that would ultimately reshape our lives in ways we could never have imagined.
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