Melt Into Me

“Melt Into Me” by Ghud Nez is a romance novel revolves around Lyric Monroe, a 17-year-old high school student who relocates to San Diego to live with her aunt for her final year of high school. Upon entering her new class, she is surprised to discover that Alexander Dawson, her former short and teasing enemy, is now a tall, grown-up classmate. As Lyric sits beside him, she senses a chilly air around Alexander, making her uncomfortable. Read Melt Into Me Blurb below.

Melt Into Me Blurb

“Class, I’d like you to welcome your new classmate, Lyric Monroe,” the teacher announced. His lashes blinked, and his lazy gaze fell on her. She had noticed him immediately upon entering the class, too captivated by his angelic, handsome features to recognize him at first. When he stared back at her, she felt a jolt of familiarity.

“You’ll be sitting with Alexander Dawson at the back,” the teacher continued, and she nodded. But before fully turning away, Lyric couldn’t help but inquire, “Alexander Dawson?”

“Yes,” the teacher confirmed. Lyric turned back to him, her mind struggling to reconcile the image of the tall, grown-up Alexander Dawson with the short brat who used to mock her for being messy and dirty. Despite the discomfort she felt around him, she hesitated for a moment before taking a seat beside him.

As she settled into her chair, she couldn’t shake off the chilly air surrounding Alexander. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, she raised her hand and asked, “Can I sit somewhere else instead?”

Lyric Monroe, 17 years old, resided in Massachusetts with her mother and older sister, Kehlani. In her final year of high school, she moved to live with her aunt in San Diego to continue her education.

What unfolds when she encounters her greatest enemy and unexpectedly falls in love with him? Will she succumb to these newfound feelings, or will she persist in her detest for him? The lonely journey of Lyric navigating through her emotions and the complex dynamics with Alexander begins.

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