Melting the Ice

Melting the Ice” is a novel by Quirky Quinn that tells the story of Lynlee Scott, a young woman with pink hair and a pastel wardrobe who has zero knowledge of hockey. When Lynlee’s agent brokers a deal for her to shadow the Harthford Hogs, interviewing them, learning about hockey, and finding inspiration for her next best seller, she meets Sebastian Kingsley, the ‘Ice King’ captain of the team. Sebastian is anything but thrilled about the idea of having Lynlee around. He believes that women like her are the reason true romance is dead. However, as Lynlee spends more time with the team, Sebastian is forced to accept that maybe there is more to Lynlee than he initially thought.

The novel is a lighthearted, seductive, and sporty tale of opposites attracting. It explores themes of arrogance, bad boy charm, and the power of true love. The story is set in the world of hockey, and it provides an excellent opportunity for readers to learn more about the sport. Read Melting the Ice Blurb Below:

Melting the Ice Blurb

In the vibrant city of Harthford, where the ice echoed the clashing of hockey sticks and the roar of the crowd, a collision of worlds unfolded. Lynlee Scott, a woman adorned with pink hair and a pastel wardrobe, seemed an unlikely candidate to infiltrate the icy domain of the Harthford Hogs. On the opposite end of the spectrum stood Sebastian Kingsley, the enigmatic ‘Ice King,’ donned in the captain’s mantle, leading the team with an aura as cold as the rink they dominated.

Lynlee’s presence, however, wasn’t merely a spectator’s in the arena. A deal brokered by her agent thrust her into an unexpected role—to shadow the Hogs, delve into the intricacies of hockey, and extract inspiration for her impending bestseller. Unbeknownst to Sebastian, the ‘Ice King’ was about to face a challenge that extended beyond the confines of the hockey rink.

As news of Lynlee’s unconventional mission reached Sebastian, his initial response was far from enthusiasm. A disdainful sentiment brewed within him, fueled by the notion that women like her were the architects of true romance’s demise. In his eyes, Lynlee’s literary exploits were contributing to the erosion of practicality in women, reducing them to mere reflections of her steamy tales. The last thing he wanted was to be part of a scheme that brainwashed the world with romantic fantasies.

However, life had a penchant for unraveling the unexpected. Forced into reluctantly accepting Lynlee’s presence, Sebastian soon discovered that perhaps there was more to her than met the eye. Beyond the facade of girly outfits and the intricacies of a risqué vocabulary, Lynlee harbored a passion for understanding the sport and its players.

As the days unfolded and Lynlee delved deeper into the lives of the Hogs, Sebastian found his preconceived notions beginning to thaw. The ‘Ice King’ grappled with a realization that the woman in pastels might just be more than a stereotypical romance novelist. A journey of self-discovery emerged, challenging both Lynlee and Sebastian to confront their biases, unravel misconceptions, and find common ground on the slippery surface of the ice.

In the midst of the hockey games and heated exchanges, a subtle dance of understanding began to unfold. Lynlee and Sebastian, two seemingly disparate worlds colliding, embarked on a journey that transcended the boundaries of expectations. As the ‘Ice King’ gradually warmed to the idea that true romance might not be as dead as he believed, Lynlee’s world expanded beyond the confines of her novels. In the melting ice, a tale of unexpected connection and shared passion emerged, defying stereotypes and rewriting the script of their intertwined destinies.

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Melting The Ice
Melting The Ice

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