Men vs Apocalypse

Men vs Apocalypse by Moloxiv is a fantasy novel. The world is at constant war for the new resource, Fate Crystal. Little did they know they are accelerating the fate of their world by causing the end of the days to come, The Apocalypse. Among these conflicts, Haruyuki Sen was just a conscript soldier in a skirmish who came into contact with the Saviour System when he supposed to have died. The system gave him one simple goal. To be the Saviour of this world. However, Sen did not expect to fight in various dimensional planes while protecting his plane from the upcoming apocalypse. Read Men vs Apocalypse Blurb Below.

Men vs Apocalypse Blurb

The acrid tang of cordite and the incessant drumming of automatic gunfire were the lullabies of Haruyuki Sen’s childhood. Raised in the shadow of the Great Resource Wars, a perpetual conflict fueled by the coveted Fate Crystals, Haruyuki knew nothing but the sterile halls of military barracks and the scorched earth of battlefields. He was a cog in the war machine, a conscript barely out of his teens, thrust into a fight he barely understood.

One day, amidst the chaos of a skirmish for a rumored Fate Crystal deposit, Haruyuki found himself staring down the barrel of an enemy rifle. The world slowed, the deafening gunfire muted, replaced by a cold, metallic voice resonating in his mind. “Initiating Saviour System. Subject: Haruyuki Sen. Designation: Saviour.”

Then, darkness.

He awoke in a sterile white room, the hum of unseen machinery his only companion. Disoriented and confused, a holographic display flickered to life, revealing a woman with an ethereal beauty. “Greetings, Haruyuki Sen,” she said, her voice laced with an otherworldly serenity. “You are dead. Or rather, you were.”

Haruyuki’s mind reeled. Dead? But the System? The voice explained his predicament. The bullet that should have ended him had, instead, triggered a dormant failsafe within a hidden prototype technology – the Saviour System. It had revived him, imbued him with extraordinary abilities, and burdened him with a seemingly impossible task – to save the world from the very apocalypse the wars were unwittingly hastening.

The revelation was a crushing blow. The wars he’d been fighting, the lives he’d taken, were all contributing to a global catastrophe he had no memory of. Shame gnawed at him, a bitter counterpoint to the burgeoning power he felt coursing through his veins.

The System, his enigmatic guide, revealed a horrifying truth. The Fate Crystals, the very fuel of the wars, were fragments of a celestial entity known as the Harbinger. Each use of a crystal chipped away at the world’s barrier, slowly awakening the monstrous being. The apocalypse, a monstrous harbinger of destruction, was no longer a distant myth; it was a looming reality.

Haruyuki’s initial despair curdled into a steely resolve. He wouldn’t just be a soldier anymore; he would be a savior. The System, a vast repository of knowledge and technology, began his training. He honed his reflexes to superhuman levels, his mind becoming a battlefield simulator, strategizing against ever-evolving threats. He learned to manipulate the very fabric of reality, a power fueled by the salvaged essence of the Fate Crystals he now swore to protect.

His first mission was a baptism by fire. A dimensional tear, a byproduct of the wars, had opened, spewing forth grotesque creatures from a nightmarish realm. Haruyuki, codenamed Saviour, fought with a ferocity fueled by guilt and purpose. He wielded his newfound abilities like a seasoned warrior, pushing back the tide of chaos until the tear could be sealed.

News of the Saviour spread like wildfire. Governments, initially bewildered, saw a glimmer of hope. Alliances, once fractured by suspicion, began to form around Haruyuki. But not everyone welcomed the Saviour. Warmongers, their power threatened, saw him as an obstacle. Radical factions, blinded by fanatical belief in the Harbinger’s power, denounced him as a heretic.

Haruyuki’s fight became a multi-layered struggle. He battled monstrous entities from beyond, rogue factions within his own world, and the gnawing guilt of his past actions. He became a symbol, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. Yet, the burden of his responsibility weighed heavily on him. Was he truly the savior he was destined to be, or simply a cog in a larger, more sinister machine?

His journey took him across war-torn landscapes and into the shimmering chaos of alternate dimensions. He forged uneasy alliances with unlikely heroes – a jaded smuggler with a hidden conscience, a techno-shaman who channeled the world’s fading magic, and a disillusioned war veteran seeking redemption. Together, they became a ragtag resistance against the encroaching apocalypse.

The climax loomed – a final stand against the Harbinger itself, a monstrous entity fueled by the very wars it had orchestrated. Haruyuki, his body and spirit pushed to their limits, faced a choice – succumb to the Harbinger’s power and usher in a new era of darkness, or find a way to sever the link between the Fate Crystals and the monstrous entity, risking his own existence in the process.

READ: Soul King System

Men vs Apocalypse

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