
Monster by Mona Curtis plunges into a world of fear and desire as a violent confrontation reveals the dark depths of human nature. A defiant woman faces a dangerous man whose rage and twisted intentions threaten to consume them both. In this chilling tale, power and vulnerability clash with devastating consequences. Read the blurb below.

Monster Blurb

In Monster by Mona Curtis, a chilling confrontation unfolds as a man’s hand tightly grips a woman’s hair, forcing her to meet his enraged gaze. “Tell me where the fuck is he?” he growls, his voice dripping with menace, causing her to shudder in terror. Her defiant response, “I…I…won’t…” is met with a sharp, searing pain in her skull. Desperation fuels his actions as he draws a pistol and presses it against her temple, his snarl more threatening than ever. “Are you going to tell me, or do you wish for death?” Her heartbreaking cry, “I want to die…” echoes through the tension-filled room, driving his anger to a fever pitch.

The gun presses harder into her temple as he battles the urge to end her life, but something within him shifts when his eyes linger on her body. A cruel smile twists his lips, revealing a dark and sinister intent. “Not before getting a taste of you,” he sneers, the threat hanging heavily in the air. This moment of horror and impending violence sets the stage for a dark and twisted tale where power, fear, and desire collide, leaving both the predator and his prey irrevocably changed.

Read: Monster Paradise


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