My Step-Father

“My Step-Father,” by Jeep is an Adventure novel that revolves around Thedus Del Novan, a wealthy, 29-year-old man known for his ruthless demeanor in business and his aversion to women, viewing them merely as conduits to wealth. Thedus, despite his resistance to romantic entanglements, finds himself in a unique situation when he adopts a child. Originally intending to have a son, he ends up with a daughter, Dhalia Selline Vera. Read My Step-Father Blurb below.

My Step-Father Blurb

Thedus Del Novan, renowned for his dangerous and ruthless demeanor in both business and personal matters, is a 29-year-old wealthy and handsome man. Despite his aversion to women, viewing them as mere reflections of wealth, he finds himself in the unexpected position of adopting a child. Originally seeking a son to continue his legacy, Thedus is surprised when fate intervenes, and he ends up with a daughter, Dhalia Selline Vera.

Thedus, known for his disdain towards women, is faced with a peculiar situation. Despite his general indifference, there’s something about Dhalia that captures his interest and attention like never before. In a twist of fate, the very woman he desires happens to be the one he adopted to be his daughter.

As a man who is accustomed to getting whatever he wants, Thedus Del Novan sets his sights on Dhalia, even though societal norms dictate their relationship as father and daughter. The impending union challenges the boundaries of propriety, leaving Thedus torn between his desire for Dhalia and the societal constraints that should deter such feelings.

In the world of Thedus Del Novan, where he is accustomed to overcoming any obstacle, Dhalia Selline Vera proves to be an exception, making their unconventional relationship a captivating tale of forbidden desires and societal norms.

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My Step-Father
My Step-Father

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