“Project Evolution” by Cindy Quinn is a Sci-Fi novel that unfolds in a post-apocalyptic world where the remnants of humanity seek refuge within the walls of Zulum City, guarded by the Five Order. Facing an unprecedented threat, ghouls, once thought to be mindless monsters, begin to exhibit human-like traits. Wayde Baxter, a seasoned warrior of the Five Order, embarks on a mission to uncover the truth behind these evolving creatures and to thwart the malevolence emanating from “The Tower.” Read Project Evolution Blurb below.
In a world devastated by an apocalyptic event, the last remnants of humanity find refuge within the protective walls of Zulum City. The guardians of this sanctuary, known as the Five Order, face an unprecedented threat as ghouls, once believed to be mindless monsters, start exhibiting unsettling human-like traits. Wayde Baxter, a seasoned warrior within the Five Order, embarks on a perilous mission to unveil the truth behind these evolving creatures and to eradicate the malevolence emanating from “The Tower.”
As the trust among allies wavers and the sinister motives of the Tower become clearer, Wayde must navigate a landscape fraught with betrayal, alliances, and concealed secrets. Racing against time, he seeks to rally the Five Order and unite the inhabitants of Zulum City. Along the way, Wayde unravels long-buried truths that threaten to destabilize the very foundations of their society.
Simultaneously, the narrative follows Codex 27, a humanoid creation of the Tower, caught in the conflict between her engineered purpose and the tantalizing mysteries lying beyond her containment. As Codex 27 awakens to self-awareness, her internal struggle blurs the lines between machine and humanity.
Fate intertwines Wayde and Codex 27, leading to the revelation of secrets behind the true identity of the humanoid and the inherent danger that her existence poses. The narrative unfolds as a multifaceted exploration of survival, identity, and the unforeseen dangers that arise in a world grappling with the aftermath of catastrophe.
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