Project Looking Glass by Mark Anthony Tierno delves into a future world where sentient beings of various species coexist, presenting a rich backdrop for a thrilling narrative. Inspector Henry Flaatphut, a former hacker turned investigator at InterSpec, finds himself caught in a web of intrigue and danger when a mysterious person enters his office, setting off a chain of events that lead to international conspiracies and chaos. Read Project Looking Glass Blurb below:
Project Looking Glass Blurb
The story promises a blend of science fiction, mystery, and adventure as Flaatphut navigates through a complex world filled with political intrigue, advanced technology, and sentient beings. His interactions with his unique colleagues, including a 300-pound badger boss, a witty computer companion named ICy, and a charming feline secretary named Miss Calico, add depth and humor to the narrative.
As Flaatphut delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding Project Looking Glass, readers can expect twists, turns, and revelations that challenge his perceptions and beliefs. The narrative may explore themes such as identity, trust, power struggles, and the consequences of technological advancement in a society shaped by sentient beings of diverse origins.
Project Looking Glass offers an immersive and imaginative journey into a future world filled with secrets, conspiracies, and unexpected alliances, making it a compelling read for fans of science fiction and mystery genres.
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