Rejected You Alpha, For A Beast

Rejected You Alpha, For A Beast by little dizzy.

In the midst of marital bliss, Nick and I find ourselves tested when fate intervenes at a ball. As Nick’s true mate emerges, I am forced to confront my own destiny when I encounter Lycan Alpha Nathaniel. Amidst the chaos of conflicting emotions, a storm brews, threatening to tear apart the love we once held dear. Read Rejected You Alpha, For A Beast Blurb Below:

Rejected You Alpha, For A Beast Blurb

Three years of marriage had woven a tapestry of love and trust between Nick and me. High school sweethearts turned lifelong partners, we had forged a bond that transcended time and space, promising each other unwavering loyalty and devotion. We had made a solemn vow never to abandon one another, even if the cruel hand of fate were to reveal our true mates, an eventuality that seemed increasingly unlikely with each passing day.

As we prepared to attend the ball that evening, my heart clenched with a sense of foreboding, a nagging feeling that whispered of impending doom. The Moon Goddess seemed to weave her threads of warning around me, urging me to stay within the safety of our home. But like all alphas, Nick’s stubbornness prevailed, his insistence on attending the event driven by a fear of tarnishing our reputation within the pack.

My unease only deepened as I watched a beautiful brunette approach him at the bar, her dark eyes filled with a lustful hunger that sent shivers down my spine. It couldn’t be happening, I thought, my heart sinking as the truth unfolded before my eyes. She was his mate, the one he had been destined for since birth, the one who threatened to tear our world apart with a single glance.

Yet, in a twist of fate, the roles were reversed when I crossed paths with Lycan Alpha Nathaniel, my own mate. His presence was like a bolt of lightning, electrifying and undeniable, as he stared into my soul with eyes as deep as the ancient forests themselves. “Mate,” he growled, his voice sending a shiver down my spine as he took in the mark on my neck, a silent plea for acceptance.

With teary eyes, I begged him not to reject me, my heart laid bare before him in a moment of vulnerability. And to my relief, he didn’t, his acceptance a balm to the wounds of my shattered soul.

Returning to the ball, hand in hand with my newfound mate, we were met with a scene of chaos and fury as Nick caught sight of us. “You are mine!” he bellowed, his alpha instincts roaring to life as he confronted the betrayal that lay before him.

Caught in the tumult of emotions that swirled around us, I found myself torn between the love I had once known and the new path that lay before me. But as the Moon Goddess looked down upon us, her light casting a gentle glow upon our tangled destinies, I knew that whatever lay ahead, I would face it with courage and determination, for I had chosen to follow the call of my heart, even if it led me to the beast within.

READ: Fated Power – Fated Destiny

Rejected You Alpha, For A Beast

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