Ruler of Iron and Flesh

Ruler of Iron and Flesh by Cythraul is a fantasy novel, Inian shook his head, “I know I couldn’t. It’s a rush, but I couldn’t stay in constant danger for my entire life. I know that I can survive and be fine with you at my side, but eventually, I will need a quiet job. Read Ruler of Iron and Flesh Blurb Below.

Ruler of Iron and Flesh Blurb

A tremor ran through Inian’s hands, the aftershock of a thrilling but brutal battle. He glanced at his friend, Marc, a wide grin plastered on his face despite the grime and exhaustion etched onto both of them. Inian, however, couldn’t shake the gnawing feeling in his gut.

“Marc,” he began, his voice hoarse, “I appreciate the adventure, the coin… but this life…” He trailed off, unable to articulate the yearning for normalcy that clawed at him. “I can’t keep looking over my shoulder, fighting for scraps in a world that seems hell-bent on tearing itself apart.”

Marc’s grin faltered. “Yeah, I get it,” he admitted with a sigh. “It’s the thrill for me, the freedom of the skies. Makes all the danger seem worth it. But you… you’re built for a different kind of life, something quieter.”

Their world was a tumultuous one. Nations clashed for control of the land, a land stalked by colossal, monstrous creatures that defied explanation. Inian, thrust into this chaos by his friend’s mercenary career, longed for a simpler existence. Yet, amidst the carnage, a haunting whisper echoed in his mind – a prophecy of immense power and dominion.

Would Inian choose the path of a quiet life, protecting his family and seeking peace in a war-torn world? Or would the whispered promise of power twist his fate, leading him down a path of destruction? And would his son, Alaric, inherit not only his father’s legacy, but also the burden of a choice that could determine the fate of humanity?

Ruler of Iron and Flesh is a saga that explores the weight of destiny, the allure of power, and the unwavering desire for peace in a world teetering on the brink.

READ: The Ink Collector

Ruler of Iron and Flesh

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