Sacrificed to the Dragon Prince by VictoryAnne Vice is a captivating fantasy novel that follows the story of Millicent, an orphan with a mysterious past, who becomes the sacrificial offering to a dragon prince in exchange for his aid during a time of crisis in the town of Crimson. Despite being viewed as an outcast and unloved by those around her, Millicent’s sacrifice turns out to be the catalyst for unexpected twists and turns that challenge her fate and the beliefs of the entire town. Read Sacrificed to the Dragon Prince blurb below.
“Sacrificed to the Dragon Prince” by VictoryAnne Vice is a mesmerizing tale of fate, sacrifice, and unexpected courage. Millicent, an orphan with no memories of her past, finds herself in the town of Crimson, where she is taken in by the local orphanage. Despite her efforts to earn her keep by working tirelessly, she is treated as an outcast, her worth deemed less than the rags she cleans with.
When a blight threatens Crimson, the dragon ruling over the land demands a virgin sacrifice as payment for his aid. With her peculiar eyes and solitary nature, Millicent becomes the chosen sacrifice, seen as an easy and expendable choice by the townspeople.
Left at the base of the hill to meet her fate, Millicent’s life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters the dragon prince. Instead of being devoured or defiled, she finds herself in a position to change her destiny and that of the entire town.
As Millicent navigates her new role and discovers the truth about her past, she must confront the prejudices and injustices that have shaped her life. With courage and determination, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, challenging the beliefs of those around her and proving that even the most unlikely individuals can wield great power and bring about profound change.
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