
Shift by MishanAngel unfolds a riveting tale of Skylar Cross, a 17-year-old determined to break free from the oppressive rule of her father, the Alpha of the Silver Mountain pack. With plans to run an automotive shop alongside her brother Emmett, Skylar’s escape takes an unexpected turn when she finds herself entangled with the local pack’s Alpha. Navigating a newfound relationship, long-lost family ties, and the relentless pursuit of her dreams, Skylar must confront her aversion to Alpha authority while evading the clutches of her vengeful father. A story of self-discovery, love, and resilience, “Shift” promises an enthralling journey through the intricate world of werewolf lore and the complexities of familial expectations. Will Skylar forge her own path, or will the shadows of her past and present threats shatter the freedom she ardently seeks? Dive into a narrative that weaves suspense, romance, and the indomitable spirit of a young werewolf breaking free from the chains of destiny. Read Shift blurb below.

Shift Blurb

In the compelling narrative of “Shift” by MishanAngel, the life of 17-year-old Skylar Cross unfolds amidst a backdrop of familial strife, pack dynamics, and a burning desire for independence. Skylar and her brother Emmett had meticulously laid out plans to escape the clutches of their father, the domineering Alpha of the Silver Mountain pack. The siblings harbored dreams of running an automotive shop, a venture they had quietly nurtured over the years.

However, the oppressive nature of their father’s rule, coupled with the predetermined roles assigned within the pack, compels Skylar to hasten their escape. The youngest of four siblings, Skylar had always been regarded as a mere backup, destined to fulfill a secondary role in the intricate hierarchy of their pack. Determined to break free from this stifling fate, Skylar decides to embark on a new life before even graduating high school, leaving her pack and their oppressive alpha behind.

Her plan to establish a solitary life running the automotive shop encounters unexpected challenges when the Alpha of the local pack, in the vicinity of Skylar’s newfound haven, takes a keen interest in her. This unforeseen development forces Skylar to navigate the complexities of a budding relationship, all while grappling with the remnants of her painful past. The prospect of being entangled with another pack and having to contend with the attentions of a different Alpha adds layers of complication to Skylar’s already tumultuous journey.

As Skylar endeavors to focus on her dreams and the automotive shop she has worked tirelessly to build, she finds herself entangled in a web of long-lost family connections, an overprotective retired Alpha, and the charismatic son of the local Alpha. Navigating the delicate dance of dodging mate bonds and wrestling with her deep-seated aversion to submitting to another Alpha, Skylar’s resilience is tested at every turn.

Meanwhile, the looming threat of her vengeful father, determined to bring her back to the pack she was intended to be sold to, adds a suspenseful layer to Skylar’s quest for autonomy. “Shift” is a riveting tale of self-discovery, love, and the relentless pursuit of dreams against the backdrop of werewolf lore and familial expectations. Will Skylar find the strength to forge her own path, or will the shadows of her past and the looming threats of the present shatter the freedom she so ardently seeks? Only time will unveil the twists and turns of Skylar’s tumultuous journey.

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