"The Tale of a Security Guard" by Half City Fox is a Modern novel that follows the extraordinary journey of…
"The Ability Steal System," by Ice Master 360 is a Fantasy novel that revolves around Felix, a former elite special…
"Captive Hearts: A Royal Love Unveiled" by Michael King is a Modern novel that delves into the forbidden love between…
"GODS - Universe Of Four Gods Series," by Charmaine Glory Mae is a Fantasy novel that revolves around a character…
"The Nigerian Dream" by Charles Aiyenigba is an Adventure novel that follows the life journey of David Olubajo, a young…
"The Devil's Whore," by Erotic Writer is an Adventure novel that follows the tumultuous journey of Lesley Perkins. Caught in…
"The No. 1 Arrogant Son-In-Law" by Time Flies Soundlessly is a Xuan Huan novel that revolves around Ye Lingfeng, a…
"Captured By The Dragon" by Above Story Limited is an Adventure novel that immerses readers in a gripping tale of…
"I Was Pampered By The General" by Lu Yao is a Fantasy novel that delves into the story of Amber…