"Embraced By The Pack" by Justice Faruck is an Adventure novel that follows the protagonist whose life takes a sudden…
"James Wane The Secret Billionaire" by SHSA is a Modern novel that revolves around James, engaged to Ellen Princeton and…
"The Elijah Series" by Abbie Kyng is an Adventure novel that revolves around Sonia Vatore, a woman haunted by the…
"Jayda Stone" by Venus Venus is a Fantasy novel that revolves around the protagonist Jayda, who finds herself entangled in…
"Project Evolution" by Cindy Quinn is a Sci-Fi novel that unfolds in a post-apocalyptic world where the remnants of humanity…
"The Alpha King's Human Mate" by John D.L. is an Adventure novel that revolves around Clark Bellevue, the only human…
"Rag To Riches: My Crazy Awesome Life" by Brad Leti is a Modern novel that tells the story of a…
"Reincarnation- The Divine Doctor And Stay At Home Dad" by Chao Shuang Hei Pi is a Modern novel that follows…
"Protected Ex-Wife" by Z. YU is an Adventure novel that delves into the tumultuous life of Elsie Lawson, whose world…
"Beauty Reigns Over My Heart" by Rabbit is a Romance novel that narrates the story of a man in his…