"Unyielding Conqueror's Return" by Garnett is a Modern novel that revolves around a protagonist who uncovers a shocking truth about…
"The Rise Of The Abandoned Son" by Rebel Z is a Modern novel that follows the life of Trevor Rowe,…
"Mr. Sanderson's Life At The Top" by Rickie Appiah is a Modern centers around a young man who grapples with…
"The Super Bodyguard And His Campus Belle" by Ade Bacon is a Modern novel that follows the story of the…
"Abandoned Heir: The Charismatic Tyson Gray" by Jasmin Bloom is a Modern novel that revolves around the protagonist, Tyson Gray,…
"Super Rich Man" by Morning Dew is a Adventure novel that follows Leon, the successor to a mysterious and powerful…
"Mighty Super Rich Heir" by Claudette is a Modern novel that revolves around the transformative journey of a young individual…
"Irresistible Desire: How My Life Being Upended," by Micah Liggett by Modern novel that revolves around the protagonist's unexpected journey…
"Teacher And Student Love" by Marissa97 is a Romance novel that revolves in the small town of Brookside, the lives…
"The Luna's Killer" by Moono Bunnie is an Adventure novel that follows the gripping story of Ivanna, who finds herself…