The Teacher

The Teacher

“The Teacher” by Zehy is an Adventure novel that revolves around the evolving relationship between Conrad, a university professor, and Gwen, his mentee and student. The story explores themes of …

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The Cage

The Cage

“The Cage” by Mo Trill is an Adventure novel that follows the journey of Riley, a resilient individual who has faced numerous challenges over the past five years, including close …

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I Need You

I Need You

“I Need You” by Teddy Bear is a Romance novel that delves into the complexities of love, loss, and redemption. The story revolves around Aiden, who experiences heartbreak when he …

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Super God

Super God

“Super God” by Wobenchunjie is a Xuan Huan novel of epic proportions that follows the journey of Carl Lin in a new world filled with challenges, adversaries, and unimaginable power. …

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