The Devil’s Whore

“The Devil’s Whore,” by Erotic Writer is an Adventure novel that follows the tumultuous journey of Lesley Perkins. Caught in the clutches of a messy and challenging life, Lesley grapples with regret, self-loathing, and haunting memories as she navigates a dark alley on a fateful night. The narrative unfolds as Lesley, haunted by her past and yearning for love, finds herself in a perilous situation. Read The Devil’s Whore Blurb below.

The Devil’s Whore Blurb

Lesley Perkins clutched the tattered remnants of her gown, the cold night air mercilessly clinging to her trembling form as she navigated the dimly lit alley. Shivers ran down her spine, a visceral response to both the biting cold and the palpable fear that gripped her. Tears blurred her vision, a haunting aftermath of the night she wished she could erase. The alley seemed to close in around her, amplifying the mess that had become her life.

Regret gnawed at her, especially for embarking on this ill-fated trip. The images that haunted her were unwelcome companions, and the desperate desire for love seemed like a cruel mirage. In the depth of her despair, she acknowledged the harsh truth – she was trapped in a cycle of self-loathing, forever labeled as a woman of questionable virtue.

As she walked, her thoughts intensified into quiet sobs, the echoes of her pain reverberating through the desolate alley. A skittering sound behind her jolted her back to reality. She glanced over her shoulder, heart pounding, only to find a mysterious figure in a black hoodie and pants approaching. The enormity of the silhouette triggered a chilling sense of familiarity, one she desperately wished to erase from her memory.

Fear gripped her, propelling her to quicken her pace in the hope of escaping the ominous presence. Every step she took was laden with dread, praying that her instincts were wrong and that he hadn’t found her. However, her efforts proved futile as cold hands closed around her neck, hot breath danced on the nape, and a damp napkin was forcefully pressed against her nose.

Weakness seeped through her, the noxious fumes from the napkin causing her vision to blur. Her eyes, heavy with exhaustion and fear, succumbed to the weight, closing involuntarily. Her knees buckled, and she crumpled into the arms of an unseen force. The last words she heard before darkness enveloped her were a sinister whisper, “Welcome home, my little slut.”

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The Devil’s Whore

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