The Mutant System

“The Mutant System” by Emmanuel Feany is a Fantasy novel that revolves around a world transformed by the accidental creation of a portal leading to a new planet. This event results in the emergence of mutants, some of whom choose peaceful coexistence while others wreak havoc. In the aftermath, a war ensues, and the peaceful mutants voluntarily share their powers with humans to help them survive. Read The Mutant System Blurb below.

The Mutant System Blurb

In the wake of numerous years of living in obscurity and feeble, what would you do if a golden opportunity presented itself, offering the promise of strength and significance? Imagine obtaining the means to transform from a nobody into a somebody, after enduring the shackles of weakness for so long. However, the elation of newfound potential is short-lived as a startling revelation unfolds: failure to absorb human souls will result in a slow and agonizing demise, with soul points dwindling at an alarming rate.

This unique predicament arises when a renowned scientist inadvertently opens a portal to an entirely new planet. Some individuals choose to peacefully coexist with their newfound reality, while others opt to unleash chaos upon it. The Mutants, recognized for their benevolence, willingly share their powers with humans, aiding them in a formidable war. The aftermath leaves the world in an era where one’s Mutant Power Grade becomes the defining factor of identity and future.

Enter Ajax Hart, a teenage boy bereft of everything, with his family deemed inconsequential in the eyes of the world. However, Ajax’s fate takes an unexpected turn when he is bestowed with a mysterious system that holds the potential to reshape his life in ways unimaginable. The story unfolds as Ajax navigates this transformed world, his destiny now intricately tied to the enigmatic system that has become an integral part of his existence.

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The Mutant System
The Mutant System

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