The Prince’s Substitute Witch Bride

The Prince’s Substitute Witch Bride by Karasmara follows the tumultuous journey of Seraphine, a dark witch on the brink of unleashing chaos upon the world. However, her plans take an unexpected turn when she finds herself transported into the body of Seraphine Storm, a meek and abused daughter of a Duke. As she discovers her new identity’s impending fate as a substitute bride to Prince Rowan Havenglow, Seraphine must navigate the complexities of court life while concealing her true intentions. Despite her initial resolve to continue her dark mission, Seraphine finds herself drawn to the prince and begins to experience human emotions, including love. As she grapples with conflicting desires and the possibility of redemption, Seraphine’s journey unfolds against a backdrop of intrigue, romance, and the looming threat of destruction. The Prince’s Substitute Witch Bride Blurb Below:

The Prince’s Substitute Witch Bride Blurb

In the shadowy depths of the mystical realm, Seraphine the Dark Witch stood poised on the brink of cataclysm. With a malevolent glint in her eye and the weight of impending doom in her grasp, she held aloft a gem pulsing with dark power. Just one shattering motion, and the world would spiral into oblivion.

Yet, as she moved to crush the gem between her fingers, an inexplicable force intervened, wrenching her consciousness from her crumbling reality and thrusting it into an unsuspecting vessel.

Awakening in a new body, Seraphine found herself inhabiting the form of Seraphine Storm, a downtrodden daughter of a Duke. The girl’s existence had been one of quiet suffering, marked by abuse and neglect.

But fate had more in store for Seraphine Storm than mere torment. For she soon discovered that her new identity held a curious twist of fate – she was destined to be a substitute bride to none other than Prince Rowan Havenglow, heir to the throne.

Determined to break free from this unwanted destiny and continue her dark mission, Seraphine Storm plotted her escape from the opulent confines of the palace. Yet, her plans were foiled when Prince Rowan intercepted her, his piercing gaze seeing through her veil of deception.

As Seraphine navigated the intricate webs of courtly intrigue and concealed her true intentions, she found herself inexorably drawn to the prince. Despite her best efforts to maintain her icy facade, her new body stirred with unfamiliar emotions – human emotions, ones she had long forsaken in her pursuit of power.

With each passing day, Seraphine’s resolve wavered as she grappled with conflicting desires – the urge to fulfill her dark destiny and the blossoming warmth of love she felt for Prince Rowan. Perhaps, in the embrace of his tender affection, she began to entertain the possibility that redemption lay not in destruction, but in the transformative power of love.

As the forces of fate converged and the world teetered on the brink of chaos, Seraphine realized that her path was no longer clear-cut. For in the depths of her soul, she harbored the glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, she didn’t have to destroy the world after all.

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The Prince's Substitute Witch Bride
The Prince’s Substitute Witch Bride

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